When you give to the Foundation for Prader-Willi Research, you are making a difference.
Currently, there are no treatments for the most challenging aspects of PWS. At FPWR, we are working to change that. We are uniquely focused on research and developing new therapies. Our devotion to finding new forms of treatment, and ultimately cures, is what drives us.
By including the Foundation for Prader-Willi Research in your estate plans, you will help advance innovative research that will develop new treatments for Prader-Willi syndrome. Your legacy can be a world where individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome live FULL and independent lives.
Planned giving allows you to provide for your loved one with PWS beyond your lifetime. For most of us, our planned gift is the largest and most impactful gift we will make. Through a planned gift, you can share financial assets that you no longer need and continue to advance new treatments that will help our loved ones with PWS live full and independent lives.
Planning a gift to the Foundation for Prader-Willi Research allows you to make a lasting impact on PWS research while offering many tax advantages. By incorporating a planned gift into your financial and estate plans, you can reduce your tax liability and potentially increase the amount you have available for charitable giving. Some of the more common gifts you may consider include:
Bequest: Make a gift after your lifetime through your will or trust. This can be a fixed dollar amount, a specific asset, or a percentage of your estate. By directly transferring assets to beneficiaries, they may be excluded from your taxable estate, potentially reducing the overall estate tax liability.
Retirement Account: Retirement accounts, such as traditional IRAs or 401(k)s, are generally funded with pre-tax dollars and when funds are withdrawn, or passed on to heirs, they are subject to taxes. By donating a retirement account directly to a qualified charity, the donor can avoid paying income tax on the funds. This can result in significant tax savings,
Beneficiary Designation: Giving a financial account or insurance policy after your lifetime may be as simple as completing a beneficiary form.
Caring for estates and assets merits professional expertise. In order to make sure a particular planned gift fits your situation, we suggest that you consult with your professional advisor on how this gift would fit into your plans.
FPWR is dedicated to driving progress in research from discovery through the development and optimization of safe and effective treatments, while also fostering the creation of valuable resources that facilitate and accelerate the entire drug development pathway. Our primary focus is on supporting research endeavors that hold translational potential, meaning they have the capacity to lead to the development of effective treatments or even a cure.
When you give to FPWR, you are supporting:
The Foundation for Prader-Willi Research (federal tax id 31-1763110) is a nonprofit corporation with federal tax exempt status as a public charity under section 501(c)(3).
The mission of FPWR is to eliminate the challenges of Prader-Willi syndrome through the advancement of research and therapeutic development.
Foundation for Prader-Willi Research
Phone: 888-322-5487
Email: info@fpwr.org
440 N Barranca Ave #3620
Covina, CA 91723
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