Fundraise for Research

Since FPWR's launch in 2003, we have invested over $20M into research. Nearly every dollar has come from affected families and their networks. If you want treatments for your loved one, fundraising is an empowering way to raise awareness and accelerate cutting-edge research. Our team is here to help, so take action today! 


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Be Unstoppable.

Our loved ones with PWS work so hard for every achievement. They don't give up, and neither will we.

Your Impact

With the support of thousands of donors and fundraisers, FPWR has invested millions of dollars into critical PWS research. We've energized the field of PWS research, developed tools that have been used in labs around the world, and have attracted nearly a dozen PWS clinical trials. We have much to be proud of in our accomplishments but much work left to do. Until treatments have been found that eliminate the challenges of PWS, we must continue on.

Our work is only made possible by the incredible movers and shakers who take action for PWS research. 

Impact Info


When you fundraise for FPWR, your dollars:

  • Support innovative gene therapy research
  • Investigate novel PWS treatments
  • Improve clinical trial measures
  • Generate critical knowledge of PWS
  • Develop new therapeutic approaches
  • Repurpose existing drugs for use in PWS
  • Improve standards of care for people with PWS
  • Develop resources that facilitate FDA review of new treatments for PWS
  • And more!



Download our 2021 Annual Report to learn more about the impact our fundraising family is having on PWS research!


Fundraiser Resources

Contact Us

Our team is eager to help! Call 888-322-5487, email, or complete the short form below, and we will get back to you ASAP!

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